Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2025 - Last updated: March 1, 2025


Author: Carmen Carrasco Luján

Title: Which Women’s Murders Are “Grievable”?

Subtitle: On the Media’s Frames and Feminicides in Roberto Bolaño’s 2666

In: Violent Times, Rising Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective

Edited by: Dominique Grisard, Annelise Erismann and Janine Dahinden

Place: Zurich and Geneva

Publisher: Seismo Verlag

Year: 2022

Pages: 39-49

Series: Gender Issues

ISBN-13: 9783037772454 (print) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9783037777589 (PDF) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | American History: Chilean History, Mexican History | Cases: Real Incidents / Femicides in Ciudad Juárez; Types: Femicide; Representations: Literary Texts / Roberto Bolaño


- DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books (Free Access)

- Seismo Verlag (Free Access)


Author: Google Scholar, ORCID

  3.1 Politicization of Violence in 2666 (p. 41)
  3.2 Subjective and Symbolic Violence (p. 42)
  3.3 Systemic Violence: Human Waste of Maquiladoras (p. 43)
  3.4 Media Frames (p. 45)
  3.5 Conclusion (p. 47)
  3.6 Bibliography (p. 48)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of Mexico | Literature: Chilean literature / Roberto Bolaño, 2666 | Violence against women: Femicide / Femicides in Ciudad Juárez